Adkins Opticians

Advanced Eye Care

Early detection and appropriate management of eye conditions is vital to obtain the best outcome for you.

Advanced Eye Care

Early detection and appropriate management of eye conditions is vital to obtain the best outcome for you.

It also brings the peace of mind that you are receiving the best care possible. An advanced eye exam is tailored to you and includes any extra investigations indicated, which aren’t covered in a standard eye examination. It is particularly recommended if you:

  • Have a family history of or suffer from glaucoma or macular degeneration?
  • Have any unusual concerns?
  • Have any conditions known to affect the eyes, such as diabetes or high blood pressure?
  • Are suffering from dry, watery or irritable eyes?
  • Just want the reassurance of having the best eye care available?

We will use our extensive range of equipment to investigate, detect and monitor any symptoms or conditions that you have.

This may include scanning with our OCT 3-D Scanner, taking digital images, assessing your tear function or any other investigations that are indicated. We will take the time to explain our findings and your options, which could be self-treatment, further monitoring or onward referral to an Eye Clinic. As the first Qualified Prescribing Optometrist in the area, Ed is able to treat and prescribe for some conditions privately.

Would you like to make an appointment?

or if you have any questions please contact us by filling the from below or give us a call on 01379 650899